My O'verlay's Transformation

    How to Transform Decor with O'verlay's

  BEFORE                                                                            AFTER

Hello everyone! I remember moving into my first apartment at the age of 18. I didn't have much money to spend on furniture at that time so That was when my revamping creativity basically started. The furnishings that I did have, were handed down to me. During those days, there was not a craigslist, so receiving second hand furnishings was a plus. My revamping skills allowed me to take something used and give it a fresh new life with my own taste to it. Take this piece from IKEA, yes, I had this Ikea dresser for sometime now. It was plain, boring, and had no life at all.  I decided, why not add a cool design to the front drawer. I remember stumbling across this awesome Instagram page called MYOVERLAYS. You're able to create unique panels that fit onto any of your furniture pieces, mirrors, and walls. The pattern on my IKEA dresser is one  that I designed myself, however, you can choose from one of many designs on MyOverlay' Checkout the full Tutorial on my YouTube channel at So, how about we all try something new this spring and repurpose those old furnishings that you might consider letting go.


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